Monday, January 24, 2011

What You Do Now Has Lifelong Consequences

I was watching this silky smooth, extra quick guard the other night. She was beatiful to witness. She moved on the floor like water moves down a waterpark slide.

So her coach made a good move. She put her in a 2 on 2 game on the right side of the floor. She put her best 3 point shooter in the corner and told Ms. Silk to go to the basket. If the defense helped over on her she would kick it to the corner for the 3 ball. Great plan, right?

Except for two things. Ms. Silk's youth coach never taught her how to jump through a double team and come out the other side. And the 3 point shooter's youth coach never taught her to raise her shooting pocket and get rid of the ball quickly. So the defense would help over on Ms. Silk then they would close out on 3 point shooter before she could get a clean look. And, believe me, I've seen this team play defense before, they're not terribly good defenders.

Are you willing to take the next three point shooter and go through an entire season of poor shooting as investment in this kid's future? Or do you just want to look good for this season and let the next guy worry about it?

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6th Grader

6th Grader
Yeah, she shoots from here! Yours can to!

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United States
So you want to know who is giving you all this advice? Okay, your advisor is an ex-college and professional coach. Fired a bunch, hired a lot more, created programs, and stood at the helm of teams that played their hearts out every game. Career record: 392 wins and 135 losses. Recruited players from virtually every state, and several countries including, Poland, Germany, England, Canada, and Brazil. Does American Samoa count as another country? Probably not. Retired now so that I can coach my own kids.