Friday, January 28, 2011

More About Passing - And Catching

One of the drills we work on every day is how to catch the ball. It sounds simple, just put your hands up and catch it. But, no, it's not quite that simple. It is important that you teach your guys how to catch the ball in a position of power, and so that they are ready to attack on the dribble, or shoot it.

So we developed this little drill that is great warm up and addresses these issues. Actually, I don't remember if we developed this from our program, or if we stole it from someone else. It doesn't matter, you will find that most of your best drills have been stolen from someone else. That's what good coaches do - they steal.

Anyway, this drill is on one of our CD's - the first one. We spent about 3-5 minutes early in the season doing this drill but by the end of the season we would spend maybe 30 seconds on it. But the point of the drill is to catch the ball in such a way that your guys can make a one-handed pass, put it on the floor, and are in a power position. The drill is to rectify the maddening habit of allowing young players to catch the ball standing up or holding the ball in their hands not ready to shoot or attack.

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6th Grader

6th Grader
Yeah, she shoots from here! Yours can to!

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So you want to know who is giving you all this advice? Okay, your advisor is an ex-college and professional coach. Fired a bunch, hired a lot more, created programs, and stood at the helm of teams that played their hearts out every game. Career record: 392 wins and 135 losses. Recruited players from virtually every state, and several countries including, Poland, Germany, England, Canada, and Brazil. Does American Samoa count as another country? Probably not. Retired now so that I can coach my own kids.