Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Best, Easiest Drill To Start Your Practice

I have a great drill that you should do every single day of practice. I'll post it soon on the website, but what this drill does is get your guys in the frame of mind to practice like a player. See, I've always believed that if you think like a player, you will play like a player. And the reverse is true. If you act like a player you will think like a player.

There are two things great about this drill. 1 it's terribly easy and it will positively effect everything you have your guys do. 2 you can get this drill done in under a minute. At first you may need to take 5 minutes and really get it done right. But after only a couple of practices you can knock this out in under a minute.

But let me emphasize that the added benefit of getting your kids in the frame of mind - and in the physical presence - is priceless. It just sets the mood of "oomph" it's time to get after it. That can not be minimized in any way.

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6th Grader

6th Grader
Yeah, she shoots from here! Yours can to!

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So you want to know who is giving you all this advice? Okay, your advisor is an ex-college and professional coach. Fired a bunch, hired a lot more, created programs, and stood at the helm of teams that played their hearts out every game. Career record: 392 wins and 135 losses. Recruited players from virtually every state, and several countries including, Poland, Germany, England, Canada, and Brazil. Does American Samoa count as another country? Probably not. Retired now so that I can coach my own kids.