Sunday, January 9, 2011

Two Handed Chest Pass - Part Two

When you introduce passing, which should be during the first month some time because all of your previous practices you have been working on dribbling - okay, that's only SLIGHTLY tongue in cheek - you will probably work on passing the first day. That's fine. I wouldn't, but I get it. Anyway, we're talking about passing, not receiving. Begin with the one handed push pass, first the right for 2 minutes then the left for four minutes. From there, graduate to throwing that pass right off the dribble. I have an easy drill that is hugely effective for this and it will be on my website soon. The site is in development right now and there you will find tons of stuff to help you.

You know, I get that as your kids move on to other coaches they will probably want them to two hand chest pass. But that's the point of this blog and the website. You are not coaching your kids to support the stupid things other coaches might do, you are coaching your kids to make the best players possible. So that one day, when they are playing at a high level, you will have been a big part of their success because you started them off right.

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6th Grader

6th Grader
Yeah, she shoots from here! Yours can to!

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So you want to know who is giving you all this advice? Okay, your advisor is an ex-college and professional coach. Fired a bunch, hired a lot more, created programs, and stood at the helm of teams that played their hearts out every game. Career record: 392 wins and 135 losses. Recruited players from virtually every state, and several countries including, Poland, Germany, England, Canada, and Brazil. Does American Samoa count as another country? Probably not. Retired now so that I can coach my own kids.